Reaching Higher is launching our leadership blog. With this new initiative, we hope to encourage and inspire individuals on their journey to reach their potential. Whether you are a Reaching Higher program graduate, or are new to Reaching Higher with a desire to grow, we hope this blog will serve you and offer guidance as you continue your journey.
Today, we invite you to get to know us deeper as we share our core and cause – what we call our “Guiding Stars.” They outline What We Do, Why We Do It and How We Do It. The culmination of these Guiding Stars, coupled with our Belief Statements, together represent our Cause.
Why name our blog “Discover the Leader Within?” We believe to truly unlock your potential, you must search and gain an awareness of yourself. So while we are sharing our Belief Statements in our next blog, now you’ll get a sneak peak of one of our leadership belief statements. This serves as the basis for why we titled our blog “Discover the Leader Within” – “We Believe the Answer Lies Within You to reach your potential.” While a leadership principle may be universal, how and where each individual applies that principle isn’t. That application depends upon you – your strengths, your weaknesses and even your environment.
So, as we embark on this blog by exploring the application of leadership principles into our lives, we are also inviting you into our Mission of helping prepare others to live with Purpose andConfidence. Youth whose choices today are shaping the foundation of their Future or others who need and don’t have access to personal leadership development and coaching.
Be sure to follow our blog and share it on social media. Through this, you are supporting Reaching Higher, spreading our message and becoming a team member of our cause! Stay tuned for our remaining nine belief statements about leadership in our upcoming blogs!